JavaScript Tip of the Day! 💊
Back in 2006 when Flash and ActionScript were all the rage, the legendary senocular started what would become one of the most popular forum threads about a programming topic...ever! He started his ActionScript Tip of the Day:
Over the years, that thread took on a life of its own with millions and millions of views and countless tips that helped young and old developers alike.
While this thread is still around today, there is a good chance that you aren't working with Flash or ActionScript these days to have its content be relevant. You are probably working on web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This means that we need a new Tip of the Day series that is more to your liking.
What we need is the brand new JavaScript Tip of the Day:
This series, also brought to you by senocular, brings with it his technical depth and uncanny ability to explain complex topics in a clear and concise way. What are you waiting for? Check out the current tips and hit the notification bell to be notified in your inbox the moment senocular posts a new tip.
As always, before I leave you to it, I would love to hear from you on things I can do better, topics you'd like me to write about, and more. Don't be shy! The easiest way to contact me is via Twitter or by posting on the forums...just like the 90's.
Kirupa 😛