Build a PWA in Just 10 Minutes 📡
In an earlier tutorial, we looked what Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are and what makes them exciting. The magic ingredients behind what makes a PWA really great are the off-the-shelf features and technologies you've been using for many years. The only new additions are HTTPS encryption, a Web Application Manifest, and a Service Worker. Don't worry if you don't know what all of these features mean. The Build a PWA in 10 Minutes tutorial will help you quickly add these features to your existing web site/app and turn it into a PWA that does cool display a custom offline message when the internet connectivity goes down or have your app get launched from your desktop, taskbar, start menu, etc. like any other app depending on the browser and OS you are using:
For example, here is KIRUPA running as a PWA without any of the browser chrome showing. It even has a sweet icon in the dock that you can launch it from. If you've been waiting to dip your toes into turning your existing web experience into a PWA, don't wait any longer. Jump in head first!
As always, before I leave you to it, I would love to hear from you on things I can do better, topics you'd like me to write about, and more. Don't be shy! The easiest way to contact me is via Twitter or by posting on the forums (sorry, Flash footers are no longer supported!)
Kirupa 😃